Are any of our membership first responders?

We are working on a community outreach program and would like the input from anyone that is or has been a first responder.

You don’t need to post anything here but if you could email me at [email protected] we would appreciate it.

Thanks, James


I believe I’ve responded first.


I have an old expired Redcross first responder cert & a current Padi rescue diver cert. But that’s as close as I get.

I know there is a Farmer’s Branch Fireman who uses Woodshop. Will try to get a name and ask that he make contact when next I spot him.

I believe there’s a member who frequents automotive that’s former EMS.

@Kriskat30 - Don’t we have a member who works for the Carrollton PD?

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plus a few more characters

Not sure if we have any more but Todd was with CPD. He retired.

I’m former EMS. And have responded at DMS.

I am also a former EMT and have responded via PM.


We have several firefighters from this area.

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I respond fast to kicking ass. Is that service needed?

Lol I can take names if you wish.