Should we sign up?
I don’t see any downside to it. I’m sure we can manage to get 15 projects a year to hit the gold level.
I like the idea, especially if we build a AUG local chapter at DMS. I’m no expert at Arduino, but would be interested in being a part of this group.
There is a lot of Arduino interest at DMS. I have run eighteen Arduino-ish classes in the last year or so with four currently on the calendar. @NickWebb has run four with one on the calendar. (Arduino-ish - Most classes used Arduino Nanos. A few used Wemos D1 Minis which are programmed using the Arduino IDE.)
I would be very interested in this.
In a wild fit of feverish enthusiasm on eBay I think I bought every optional accessory for Arduino. Now I have to learn how to use them. I’m in.
Should the mailing address be Suite 102 or Suite 104?
Submission sent.
We need to work on step #2…
Share at least 5 team projects via the Arduino Project Hub. Once completed, update your AUG profile with the link to your Project Hub Team. You will then receive a confirmation and the pin on the map will become blue.
The DARC (combat robotics) arena timer is based on two Arduinos, one in the display panel and one in the control console.
I do not have pictures; maybe @themitch22 has some.
Building a local AUG chapter at DMS is a great idea! Brady and Nick have been doing a great job with their beginner’s classes and I have an Arduino beginner/intermediate class coming up on Nov 28th. If we coordinate our class activities I think we can do it well.