AR-10 receiver made from spent brass casings

Pretty dang cool …


I foresee an interest in Henry AR-15s with brass upper/lower receivers and stained wooden furniture.


Nice! That is one sweet rifle build! :smiley:

I wonder if this makes 22 cases worth collecting, or if there is too much priming compound and powder residue to make it worth while. Though it would certainly take a whole bunch of them.

Here is a steampunked ar-15 …


scary thing is on the surface that looks like a prop from some borderlands cosplay and may just get past some people at comic con.

One would hope that individuals charged with screening props know what common rifle receivers look like, particularly since said example has it pretty much out there to be seen with almost zero obfuscation.

I think most of the cons require permanently blocked barrels on anything that looks even remotely like a firearm.

That leads to building two copies of the upper. One for cons, and one for the range.