Aquaponics Projects

We have a number of aquaponics projects and I would like to see who is interested. Also, the aquaponics is underutilized and I would like to change that.

There are two ways to get involved in the aquaponics:
Grow stuff
Improve the system

The current plants have sort of run their course and we are ready to put in new plants. If you are interested in growing something or things that can fit in a 1’x1’ plot(s), you are welcome to it. Please contact me so that I can manage the plots and make sure no one is killing other peoples projects.

As far as improving the system, if you would like to install or test sensors in the system, as long as they don’t interfere with its normal operation, please feel free, but make sure to document it with at least a post-it that contains your name and contact information.

If you would like to do more “invasive” system automation or sensing please contact me and we can build a plan for it.

As far as the existing system and plans, the current automation is run through a Raspberry Pi 2 that calls a data service for updates to its status. Everything else is sent out and received via I2C bus. There is an arduino and relay controlling the pump and lights. I have some temperature, humidity and water level sensors that I have plans to install.

There was talk of using the RAMAN spectrometer to measure ammonia, nitrates and nitrite levels.

So if you are interested please post below, send me a PM or contact me via email at [email protected].

Someone was walking around last night with two fishing poles. Just saying :wink:


Check out Wisconsin fast plants, wild Texas weeds, and different types of lettuce, Did my senior design project on building a consumer oriented hydroponics PLC. Quick turn around really helps development.

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I was thinking leaf lettuce and put a picture up of when it is ready, That way folks could use a leaf or two when it is ready, It would help keep it from going to seed,

Would chives world? Another one that can be used as it grow, Maybe soe herbs that could be picked as they grow,

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From recent memory I know of these interests:
Miracle Fruit - where members can take seeds or cuts for clones and take home their own plants
Black Orchids
Regrow a pineapple from the top part

Potatoes allow regrow. I grew some last year in my SQFT garden.

That one takes a VERY long time. We have one here at home.