April 2022 Machine Shop Committee Meeting & election 4-23-22

I’d like to remind everyone that this Saturday 4-23-2022 at 5pm is the Machine Shop Committee meeting & election in the Lecture Hall.

I have discussed with my wife, nope didn’t put her on the spot this time, & she is ok with me running as chair again.

If anyone else cares to run, please do so. Just because I’m running, don’t let that discourage you from running if you want to run. If you dislike how I’ve run things or want to see it different, please run.

That said, if you have any grievances about Machine Shop & how it has been run, show up. I’m open ears, you wont hurt my feelings.

Do you have something that you want to see in Machine Shop? Come on in & join us in the discussion.

Notice anything not quite right with the tooling but you don’t feel justified in opening an Issues & Requests ticket? bring it up

As I’ve said before, All are welcome.



I’ll be at a week long seminar, happy hour will overlap the Machine Shop meeting. I won’t have to drive … guess which ranks higher in my priories? :thinking: … … … … …:beer:

So I give Tim my proxy to vote as he sees fit.

/s/ David Kessinger

I can’t attend. I give @nicksilva my proxy (to vote for Tim!)

/s/ Chris Marlow

Plead as you might, you could be destined for life tenure like the poor old Minion Manager in electronics. It’s the result of keeping things running nicely and smoothly :slight_smile:

Here is the meeting link for when it starts at 5pm

To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/ion-qgpc-ccg
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 402-295-5232 and enter this PIN: 801 856 049#
To view more phone numbers, click this link: https://tel.meet/ion-qgpc-ccg?hs=5