June 8th is a member meeting - it’s also friday - I also have loose plans to get out of town (I’m turning 40…again) and I have a long standing tradition of dodging people singing to me around sweets.
What all does the host need to do?
How would this look different than the last meeting potluck?
No host. People brought food and drink as they saw fit. People set up a few tables at head of room. Fetched paper products. No tables set up for dining. We ate in our meeting audience seats.
It worked.
It was TASTY too!
Thanks everyone who brought, setup, and cleaned up.
What I really mean is put it on the calendar and make sure people clean up after themselves. Host is the wrong word choice.
By that definition, I’m “hosting” the next 2 upcoming member meetings. (Though anyone can. I just beat them to it for June and July.) Updated them.
Rock on soul sista! _____
There is a big difference between the last member meeting in which only a few brought food versus a traditional potluck when everyone is expected to bring something.
A traditional potluck usually requires several big tables to lay everything out, placing covers on the tables where people sit and cleaning it all up afterward.
It may not be desirable to have a full-blown potluck with every member meeting.
That is only one kind of potluck.
Not wedded to it.
Potlucks by their very definition are low-effort affairs with low expectations.
potluck (noun): used in reference to a situation in which one must take a chance that whatever is available will prove to be good or acceptable.
In the interests of minimal viable product, we set a new precedent.
No dining tables. Picnic-style, i.e. hold your plate on your lap.
Takes minutes to set up a groaning board.
Should the food or needs of the people grow beyond that, we can upgrade at next mtg.
But beware Feature Creep.
Nope. There is no ticket to ride here. If you bring something to share, awesome. If you don’t and still eat the food, awesome. No food? Sad little meeting; no fun; the members learn and bring something next time. Too little food? We eat less and yet are in good cheer. Too much food? Hello, leftovers. All desserts? No one will go hungry. All sides? It’s like a Luby’s plate. Over time, potlucks even out the Maker Way, aka process improvement.
The only downside to a potluck is food poisoning.