Anyone know where to get a crt monitor fixed?

I love fixing things myself but this project has been something I have been postponing and I don’t see finishing it anytime soon, but absolutely want to use it.

What size monitor? There are lots of us that would be happy to give you one. Or two, or three.

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Not trying to be funny, but Why fix it?

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It’s a sony trinitron 17 inch, I am used to the ebay market where crts are being over priced so I didn’t know that was an option lol

I had spent a good amount of money on it and I the quality is really good so I didn’t want to think of it as a lost cause.

Finding someone to fix it may be quite a task.

What is it doing, or not doing?

While it was working it would sometimes just go black for a little then come back on, and now it is stuck on the black screen.