Does anyone know what that big logo in the Electronics room is made of?
(Picture attached below)
It looks like it is made out of some sort of metal, but when closely inspected that is not the case.
I was hoping to do the same thing for my own logo - same sort of look/material - that can be cut on the laser cutters.
Even if you don’t know what that Mouser sign is made of, does anyone have any suggestions about similar material that i can use to cut a cool metallic looking logo to mount on a wall?
Ah thanks for the reply!
Yeah it looks like that’s what it might be - it just seems pretty hard to find (I don’t think I could pick that up at the nearest Lowes or Home Depot, right?) - also sadly I haven’t been able to take the Multicam class yet (I really really want to but it isn’t offered very often).
Would you know a cheap, easy-to-find material that would be a reasonable alternative to this that I could use on the laser cutters?
Laser cut acrylic, then cover with one of the metallic surface vinyl products (DO NOT laser cut with the vinyl film in place!!!) and use a knife to trim the vinyl back to the cut edges of the plastic.
Plexiglass is one of the standard materials on the laser cutters, and they handle 1/8" plexi easily. 1/4" and thicker are possible, but I don’t know the max thickness capabilities of cutting plexiglass of the top of my head.
Please be very careful which you get, most home centers have both. Polycarbonate may release carbon monoxide and usually releases copious white junk all over/under the cutting area. Acrylic cuts nice and cleanly.
Generally up to 1/4 inch as long as everything is reasonably clean, tuned and aligned. Though thinner can be cut faster. You might want to run test cuts for your material and cut rate/power at both the top left and bottom right corners of your planned cutting area to be sure the alignment is good enough for your settings and materials. With everything freshly cleaned and aligned you might get even thicker.
Hey there I made the lights for that sign and can tell you that its acrylic
You can buy it from Johnson Plastic Plus
There is a catalogue by the computers at the laser printers
Also you laser it for the best results forget multicam
Sheets come is 2’x4’ that sign is a little bigger I think around 3’x5’
Thanks! Ah that’s a shame that they don’t sell bigger than 2x4 but I guess it is what it is. I guess I could go ahead and cut each letter out individually and mount them individually to the wall (so basically the opposite of the Mouser sign). I will definitely be up at makerspace tomorrow night so I’ll check out the catalogue! Thanks for the link too - but isn’t that link for engraving metals and not acrylic?
If you want something like Dibond, Reece Supply carries a product called Omegabond that is aluminum with a plastic core. It comes in 4’ x 8’ x 3mm sheets for around $90 a sheet. It is in stock in the Dallas warehouse.