Anyone Interested In Helping Me Build This Machine?

I’ve been eyeing this project for years but have no building experience. I am interested in getting started on this ASAP. My plan is to build the machine and use it to build a model for a community dev project. Assistant is greatly appreciated. Mainly, I need someone with the proper CNC and plasma cutting experience to cut the files.

If you have the files and you buy the material we can help you. DXF files are what you need. Me, @rlisbona and @nugen all can help you with the cnc plasma cutter

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Thanks. I have the files

DMS isn’t a place to hire contractors to build your dreams. It’s a place where you can learn to build it yourself. We all have our own personal projects (our dream builds). Rarely do we have group builds and when they does happen, it’s usually for local events or for DMS.

I can show you how to use the plasma cutter but no one here is going to build your dream for you. There are plenty of people who will help you learn how to do it yourself. You just need to show up, get involved, and help where you can.

Couple things, In an ideal world, I would find someone who has similar interest. I strongly believe in knowing your limitation and leveraging the skillsets of a community while providing a skillset to a community. All to often, we learn the basics and try to do advanced work then find out that someone else is better equipped. Its best to always team up with someone who knows at the beginning. I much rather do it right the 1st time.

Also, I much rather support this community before I hire a 3rd party fabricator.


I try all the time to do group projects at DMS but I usually end up doing the bulk of the work. This is why I pick my own projects, if someone wants to help, I wouldn’t turn them away. However, I no longer work on projects I don’t personally like unless I’m paid, because it’s a waste of my time.

I’ve never met you before. I’m at DMS at least 5 days a week. Either you come during the mornings/day or you don’t go to DMS very often. I suggest you come to DMS and get to know people. The last 2 metal shop meetings I have hosted were 4 people total that showed up. I’ve never seen you at a machine shop meeting and I almost always attend them.