Anyone here have an ASN? Want to play Battleship

Anyone else besides me here have an ASN?

I’m looking to play some BGP battleship. Playing battleships over BGP

It seems Cogent is still (at least last I checked) passing me communities so it should be possible with them, and my other peer is TBD as I’m in the middle of a move.


count in for one and one more for the makerspace.

and yes we both have registered for iana pem.

Neat, I have a PEM as well.

Have we decided on a second provider to justify getting an ASN?

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it’s been talked about and we might want to make that part of the standards since the current committee is focused more for on prem than cloud.

Well I can help with it, or I can let DMS ride under mine if another allocation or assignment is provisioned. To get an ASN a second provider has to be brought in etc (unless it rode under).

On site is far cheaper for the capacity given compared to cloud since hardware and infrastructure already exist for our scale; the major downturn is level of effort goes up in terms of upkeep.