Anyone have experience making spinning tops or metal pens?

Not mine, but here.
Could have sworn I saw a pen made of metal in one of the monthly show&tell threads. Maybe it’s on the blog…

Anyway. The fidget cube is mind-blowing (as in WTF? $5MIL pledged? Really? wish i’d thought of it).
Sadly, for me, if I can’t take something apart, my fidget is usually ruined. I take pens apart. So after a class, a meeting, or any other time I’m not riveted to the goings-on, I end up with a busted pen, and ink all over my hands. So I like your idea of something that come apart. But not a fan of someone sitting there spinning a top. They tend to be noisy, IMO. But maybe it would help my type of fidgetiness, even if I refrain from spinning and just take it apart and put it back together and take it apart and put it back together and take it apart…

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