Anyone Collect / Restore Antique Radios?

@richmeyer put an Atwater Kent 37 radio on the exchange shelf. He has the tubes for it you’re interested.
If you’re into collecting / restoring vintage radios and interested, let me know.

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I have a couple of Browning Golden Eagle CB sets I need to refurbish someday…


Check out our local antique radio club. Many very talented individuals!

Also, take a look at The Antique Radio Forum. Antique Radio Forums - The Collector's Resource Go to the Cabinet Restoration discussion and look at the absolute amazing work of Fred Taylor…he is out of Dallas.

I was seen at DMS working on the rebuild of my RCA 816K cabinet. My extreme thanks to DMS Tom Tansey. I needed fabricate new side panels and was only able to do so due to his gracious generosity for the use of his large vacuum press at his framing gallery: Premier Gallery in Flower Mound. My project has been on hold for several months, as I have been recovering from a complete hip replacement. Once I complete the structural woodwork repairs, then I will hand off to Fred Taylor for finishing.

Unfortunately, todays AM airwaves leave something to be desired. No worries. Go to to purchase vintage radio shows. You then plug your CD player into a simple short-range (10-100 ft or so) transmitter and playback thru your vintage radio. Vintage radios may also have aux inputs!

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I recently came into at storage unit full of old radios , phonographs and TVs. Some very nice ones in need of restoring. Anyone know someone who would be interested in them? All offers will be considered. Its located in Plano.
Pictures are random and not all that I have.download_20210111_194124|320x240

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What pictures?


@kpblitzen42 might be interested - he restores all make and manner of the old and broken (including old and broken spirits)

I would, indeed, be interested in taking a look, and possibly purchasing one or two.

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