I’d also like some advice on of a chemistry thing I saw on Reddit is actually safe lol
I have been wanting to do this but haven’t had the time to learn something new. There are Facebook groups with lots of information on it.
Which chemistry thing?
This one. All other instructions on making copper sulfate solution requires hard core venting hoods and whatnot which would mean I should probably just buy it lol
I’ve been playing with it the last few weeks. I’m getting better and the DIY rig is actually coming along. The etching is easy. Its the plating I’m not doing a good job on.
Oh and the safety of using iron shavings/powders from the chem supply to make my own conductive paint. Store bought is super expensive and it seems like it shouldn’t be that hard to make myself
The plating is a nightmare. I went down some pretty deep dark paths trying to figure out how to do it a year ago or so. I too was able to etch - actually I almost got to the point of something more like a relief carving in steel. My intent was to then copper plate the areas that had been etched away… never happened - I ended up just using copper paint. If I remember right in order to plate copper on steel you first have to plate the steel with zinc or some other such chemistry nonsense. Then even if you do get to the point of actually plating with copper, the results are wildly uneven. I don’t give up on stuff like that and even with the added benefit of doing it at home where things like health or environmental hazards are of little concern - I gave up on that one. I remember buying some chemicals and acids tho, so if you need something specific I might have it… assuming I can find it. Btw - not sure about you, but I found the simple saltwater solution to be the best etching method over all the various acids. Also - if you’re working with aluminum you might want to look into anodizing…
Look up some articles on Chemical Milling - which is really almost just aggressive etching. Not so much for chem milling but using various masks. You put on the coating, could wax, then laser the pattern removing the wax, then etch and then plate or paint using the same mask.
I’ve been amazed at how parts have been chem milled using masks, the control they can get is amazing.
Turns out iodized salt can really really eff up the results…I’ll be labeling my salts better from now on.
Actually I’m looking for it as a jewelry application. Instead of sawing out a bajillion pieces and butt soldering I’m hoping I can etch the plate then electroplate into the areas to do a type of inlay/cheap mokume gane. Also on the agenda of mad science is trying to electroplate some 3D prints and organic objects like leaves and stuff from around the yard. It’s just that a legit electroplating machine is ridiculously expensive by my budget and I know from doing ceramics and glass that chemistry information on the web leaves something to be desired safety wise. They can’t even agree on if you can trash the container when you’re done. The sources that are trustworthy make my head spin because they use real sciencey terms I can’t decode.
I think the chemical I need for the copper plating is copper sulfate.
This would of course be your home trash and not the dumpster.
Lol yes. No disposing of chemicals at the space unless it’s FDA approved and done internally
Drugs are FDA approved but should not be put down the sewer, especially antibiotics - when they get to sewage treatment plant they kill the bacteria that breaks downs sewage.
I meant like beer in my mouth internally…and diet Dr. Pepper. The crunchy folk get really antsy in the pantsy about the fake sugar whatevers but Texas gets too hot for tea sometimes and a girl needs her caffeine.
I avoid the space when I feel something coming on. I know folks don’t have insurance all the time and don’t want to be Typhoid Mary
Good for you! I do also, somethings don’t need to be shared just out common courtesy.
There are times when being selfish and keeping things to yourself is a huge plus for the larger community. Had a boss who got mad when I would refuse to come to work when I was contagious.
Ah boo - just checked, I have a pound of ferrous sulfate… and 5 gallons of battery acid. I don’t remember which one, but either copper or iron sulfate is the primary ingredient in like a plant food or septic tank cleaner or something, basically it’s ubiquitous and can be purchased at walmart or home despot etc… You probably have already run across this info, but just incase you haven’t it might be worth a googlie.
Saw it but only online so wasn’t sure if it could be trusted. Our haunt forum did have someone advise acetone to carve foam after all
I’m trying to remember what Blue Stone is. Blue nuggets of stuff that come in a small glass bottle. Possibly still available either in the laundry or pharmacy area of places that carry old stuff. I vaguely remember that it’s copper something. I got some ages ago to think about using for dyeing, but it’s probably lost now.
Copper Sulfate, good stuff.
Dr. Jack Tucker donated his old (and dirty, but functional) electroplating machine to the Makerspace last night. I left it in the jewelry/small-metals area for y’all. Let the department chair know, as well as Brian (Bryan?) from Science (since I heard he was recently investigating electroplating).
I can’t teach you how to use the machine, though. You’re on your own. My Dad used to copper electroplate his tooth-preparation-dies for superior accuracy; alas, modern dentists no longer do their own lab work.