Does anyone have an update on the the proposal to but two more Thunderlasers?
Buying the Thunders is contingent on having space for them which will not happen until we find a new home for the Lasersaur.
If the space in North Carolina does not get back into operation soon, we may have to find another non-profit or try to sell it.
Thanks for the info. If I’m repeating questions already covered in a thread or meeting notes, let me know.
Who is in contact with the North Carolina space? If they don’t know, I think we should find a new home for it. If we haven’t sold it when the new one arrive, then donate it. Who has the lead on these details?.
I think we can make room in the first storage unit for it. @lukeiamyourfather has been the contact point for NC. Im hoping that @Team_Laser can order the 2 smaller thunders if we can make space for the 'saur in storage temporarily. Luke will know if we have the set up space for that.
It will only fit if it can be safely placed on end or on its side and slid into the storage locker.
Unless a certain broken trebuchet finds a way out of there
does this mean we are thinking about chopping Peggy up into practice coupons?
If you can justify why we have a broken trebuchet that may or not be able to be repaired taking up a great deal of room in off site storage then I’m all ears
So we can use it for trebuchet competitions. Sadly this year’s Plano event was cancelled, but there may be others. I do not question whether it CAN be fixed. It’s only a broken sling arm. Ply wood is easy to come by. Member support and labour, less so…
As much as I loved the trebuchet competition I think having more working tools and less lines for them is a better choice for DMS
I see this as binning something that brings permanent(ish), repeatable camaraderie and enjoyment to the membership and the organization for the temporary housing of an outbound tool.
Who says we cant find a way to house both? How empty is your garage?
Oh I can house some of the lasers if that is what you are offering. Trebuchet, not so much. Would make good front lawn art though!
Empty enough that the neighbors are likely starting a petition to the city to make me clean up my driveway.
That would be ideal, but did not seem reflected in this exchange…
Im always up for trying something that might work for all. If it doesn’t, then re-evaluate. When you have time, come up to the space and we can go take a look at the trebuchet and see if we can figure out a way to tetris everything in better with @Raymond’s guidance.
Just remember, what gets Tetrised in has to be pulled out to reach something in the back.
That part scares me.
I haven’t looked on that left side in a while to see how much room we have now that the shelving was moved back over to DMS and placed over by the woodshop area.
FYI the Lasers have been ordered
What about getting something like a POD for storage of the saur while we figure out what the plan is. Either way, it will need to be moved/shipped, and we can build cribbing in the pod to stabilize the laser during transport. If we sell it, we just have them drop it off at the buyer’s destination and they pay for the POD. If it goes out to SC, we can use the POD to ship it there.
Just an idea.
The Trebuchets needs a metal sling arm. It was a budget compromise made last year because it was over budget.
There is tremendous stress put on the sling arm in the transition of 0 mph to enough speed to lift an object to throwing speed. It is somewhat like a reverse car crash.
It is WHY the sling arm broke.
If the other MakerSpace can’t take it by when we get the new ones, then can’t we sell it now?