Any upcoming mill classes?

Hello, I am in the UTArlington Rover Team and we need to have some parts CNC and/or Milled. I was wondering if there was any training coming up soon so that I could get started on fabricating parts out of 8x8x2" Alum 6061 blocks. My schedule is pretty flexible, I can move things around to accommodate for the best time.

Thank you for your time,
Jason Cabrejos

Sorry, I don’t see anything posted right now.

When we conduct “machining” classes they are primarily on how to operate the machine controls; they are not on machining techniques (although frequently you can find knowledgeable members who are able to kibbitz on what you’re doing). If you already know how to do machining, then these classes would be suitable. My best advice is to just stay tuned to the calendar and look for postings - they fill very quickly.

I see that UTA has a machine shop that says, “We have manual and CNC machines available to handle all your machining needs.” Do you have access to those resources?

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I too am waiting for a Bridgeport mill class so I can use it.

As for staying tuned to the DMS Calendar, I tried a couple of online bots that are supposed to monitor websites and notify you of any changes, but neither one worked.

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There are machine shops, but they are work-study so only students who work there can operate the machines. I have to comply with their schedule.

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My transportation problems are over (I hope), went to schedule Bridgeport - Bob Karnaugh has to already submitted two classes so I added two Sherline Mill classes. One on Friday one on Monday.

Should be on calendar in two or three days.


Hey! What rover team? I was on the Missouri S&T rover team, and there’s a previous BYU rover team member here also.