Any tool requests? And committee meeting this thursday 8:30pm

We have about $1,400 sitting in auto funds with no large plans, I’m about to place an order for a timing light, new torque wrenches, and refresh of socket sets that have degraded, (totalling about $500). Does anyone have any other tool requests that I can order off Amazon?

Also there is a committee meeting this thursday at 8:30pm for any thoughts / comments on future of the auto area, or just post here.


Tumbler? I know Hatcher’s would appreciate it. :wink:

Congrats on the surplus, I know we will all enjoy fresh sets of sockets they are definitely needed.

How about a tire balancer?


Great idea, but where to put it? The 'space is getting a bit cramped, and having room to move around a car when working on it ranks higher than a spin balancer, IMO.

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I thought I saw a static tire balancer in the shelving. I think there was also a general consensus that spin balance adds an extra layer of risk. Especially if people are trying to stretch extra life out of old tires.

I just aired up trailer tires that are 10 years old, and have been sitting under load for the last 3 years. They also fill to 50 PSI. After some consideration, I found a locking tire chuck that I put on the end of a 25 foot hose, with a gauge and valve at the other end. This way I could close the valve, connect the tire chuck with some air feeding back into the hose, then walk away, around a corner, read the gauge, and use the valve to add air. Mine went fine, but if one had let go, there is a lot of stored energy in a tire.

And I’m currently researching if I want to stay with current wheels and tire size, or bump up the wheel, and move away from 75 series sidewall when I switch from bias ply to radial.

  • Random orbital sander
  • are general purpose expanding collets a thing?
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Some multi-meters so the auto folks can stop ‘borrowing’ the ones from electronics!


I will see about sourcing some of those. Cen-Tech quality, natch.

Specific Fluke model for Automotive use but $475+

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I just ordered 4 of these, the cheapest auto ranging multimeter with permanently attached leads I can find

2 Likes®-MacPherson-Interchangable-Compressor-Extractor/dp/B017H1AWMK%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q%26tag%3Dduckduckgo-ffsb-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB017H1AWMK


I second the spring compressor,
I’ve been wanting to change the springs in the back of my mustang to stiffer springs for months.

Great idea @tom


An essential feature at DMS.

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The spring compressor I suggested is inexpensive, very easy and SAFE to use, and like my donated lift - will work on “most” applications but won’t satisfy “everyone”

A decent set of automotive prybars would be nice:

This hanging screw driver / prybar storage unit would be great so that “Automotive” could have their OWN screwdrivers and prybars:

I fully support the automotive work area but I am OPPOSED to tire machines.

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Thanks, ordered

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I’ll be at the committee meeting with a list!

Please buy recognizable brand tools OTC and not Harbor Freight when it comes to tools like Ball joint / other specialy tools so that they actually function properly instead of failing upon use.

A “lifetime” warranty is useless if you have to use it often.,

Amazon stocks mostly Tekton, so thats what I have ordered recently, they are probably all made in the same place in China as most things, but I haven’t seen any of them fall apart yet

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Hopefully you are looking at trailer rated tires for use on your trailer