Any Summer Sausage/Sausage makers?

I’m getting ready to start making some summer sausage. Anyone else into that kinda stuff? Any recipes or tips & tricks? I’m going to attempt to make summer sausage this weekend.


I’m an internet certified taste tester so hit me up and I’ll see if all my training paid off


Venison sausage?

I wish. I don’t have enough time to hunt.

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So after making some summer sausage, My take always, while the grinders can stuff sausage, its not ideal, it was a pain in the ass. So much so I went & bought a stuffer.
We weighed enough for each sausage to add in the ingredients we wanted.


Very cool. What is time and temperature and is that an oven or a smoker?

I’ve never made sausage, but would love to learn. Is it an easy process? I make my own bacon and smoke stuff all the time, so I know I can do it, I just need to learn the process.

Do you have any recommendations or YouTube videos you would suggest? Any tricks that you’ve learned that would save me some frustration?

I put my Traeger at smoke setting for several hours before stepping it up to 185 then to 225. Mostly because I had to work today. I brought the internal temps to 157-160. Once it reached the internal temp, I threw them on ice to set the casing & stop the cooking. I wished I had stuffed them a bit more tight & pulled them out of the ice bath after about 15-20 min.

I would not say the process is difficult, there is quite a bit to learn. I’m still learning that myself. It would certainly be more difficult if you were to do it alone. They do make powered stuffers that would make it easier for one person to do.

I watched many many videos. Bearded Butchers, Meatgistics by Waltons, some of the LEM videos. Meatgistics goes into pretty good details.

I picked all my materials up locally. Between Cabela’s, Academy & Scheels. Scheels had the best selection to get it all done. They carry the high temp cheeses, the encapsulated citric acid, stuffers, casings etc… One thing to note about Scheels is I would go on a weeknight if you want to avoid the crowd. I went Friday night, it was not bad. Saturday there were a lot more people there.