Any steel rule die experienced members?

since we’ve grown I’m hoping we now have someone with this skill. Anyone have any experience in making steel rule dies, that would be willing to share. The type of die that would be used to cut gaskets, leather, cardboard, etc in a press. thanks!

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But a recent member @Will1 is a Tool & Die Maker, he’d be my go to guy.

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Ironically, yes. I have several years of industry experience as a Steel Rule Die Maker.

The equipment I used was a J.A. Richards Die Maker’s Jig Saw and Helmold Bendall Tool Room Equipment:

I will be glad to teach and mentor.

I do want to add a word of extreme caution! Steel Rule is surgically sharp stuff!! The wrong move or a violation of excellent housekeeping and safety practices can result in a quick trip to the emergency room for stitches!!! Been there, done that because a Pressman fetched some rule from my work table and did not put the unused material back in the storage container correctly!!! I have seen numerous threads posted regarding housekeeping issues at the “Space”, and with this type of material, SAFETY is a definite must!


I would like to learn how to make dies if you have some time available.

I am also interested in a class on rule dies