Any interest in tin types of cosplayers?

So, I am planning on getting rid of my large format camera equipment, but on my bucket list was to take tin type photos…

Not sure when I would schedule this, but is there any interest among cosplayers to have their photographs on authentic tin types?

I wouldn’t charge for the pictures, but we would likely want to work together for props and back drops…


We took one of these at Makerfaire SF this year, very cool. @uglyknees, do you happen to know what became of that tintype?

FYI this was, apparently, a HUUUUGE hit for Diresta (when someone else did it for him, at first, and then, I believe, it morphed into classes he teaches)…
Google “Diresta tintype” and you’ll find several videos and other info.
(My point, which might be unclear, is that this COULD be a HUGE party, if desired, with local cosplayers, tintype enthusiasts, photo enthusiasts, steampunk folks go nuts for it, you could have series of classes, etc. Don’t undersell it. Unless you want to. Which is also fine.)
People LOVE this stuff!

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Need a SMALL initial group to work through the process FIRST.

The supply package I have in mind has material for ~40 tin types per package. If more demand then that we can discuss how to cover costs. Not in this to make money, just checking off item on maker bucket list.


I can provide some costumes.


Tintypes of the Minecraft cosplay party might be particularly clever looking :slight_smile:

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I was more thinking people who would like tintypes of them in costume. Granny is old enough, that she may have original tin types, but if not…

I was also thinking steam punk or serenity folks might find tintypes of their costumes interesting.

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Aside from looking drunk, it was a really cool picture!!


I meant costumes for others to wear


Astrud has a 120 format camera that she might be willing to operate for some shots if it would be of use…

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It’s in my fruit bowl in my kitchen. I look at it and think about bringing it up but I never have.

Make a copy. Bring copy. I’d hate to lose original

I would pay to have one done of my son and I.

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Yeah, we need to hang that sucker up in the space. You’re fruit bowl is in transit to your new place and risky!

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I’d be interested! Looks very neat.

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