Any interest in communal aquisition of Ghost Gunner 2

Continuing the discussion from AR Lowers discussion:

If it happens, this would occur entirely outside DMS.

Is there any interest in forming a small group to acquire one of these

and using it to manufacture our own lowers for AR15, 1911, and Glocks?


I would be interested, very cool!

Keep in mind that, in the ATF’s eyes, anyone that isn’t the owner of the GG2 would be illegally making the gun… and the owner would be illegally engaging in the business of manufacturing a gun. (it is complete BS, and will hopefully be eventually overturned by a competent court, but until then…)

Their are a few ways that I can think of to let multiple people “legally” use the GG2. One way is for one person to purchase it, use it to make their gun, then sell it to the next person. Another possibility is to create a trust, have the trust purchase the GG2, then the trust could lease it to individuals for specific lengths of time.

I’m not a lawyer, and I haven’t stayed in a Holiday Inn Express recently, so please check with a 2nd Amendment savvy lawyer before doing any of the above.

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Apparently this machine can now do 1911 lowers and will, with a software update, add a Glock lower and “others”. Helps with the value proposition I’d think as you can get more out of it.

EDIT: Didn’t see anything with a quick google but I also wonder if you could use the machine for general milling in some capacity. I.e. not just a firearm lower… that would up the ante.

While I’d love to get my hands on one of these, I’m sure that all purchasers will be on the ATF radar / watch list.

I’m in.


Several years ago, the ATF did a raid on Are’s arms. They confiscated a lot of stuff & they were doing 80% lowers. Still haven’t the ultimate end in the findings.

Therefore, I wouldn’t put it past them to obtain all of the customer information from a warrant.

That’s because Ares was building an unlicensed fully milled lower, then filling in the trigger well with epoxy and selling it as an 80% lower.

They actually were given many chances to correct this and chose not too. Thus the raiding and ongoing legal battles.

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“GG2 takes it name from its second-generation, custom motion-control board, which allows it to operate as a standard CNC machine. GG2 accepts g-code from most CAM post-processors.”