Just was wondering if there any drone people here I might not know about or any group that’s visible or currently inactive. Currently in college with some spare time and was wondering if anyone would be interested. Been of getting my commercial drone license and doing an experiment for my Remote Sensing class using some kind sensor(Lidar?).
There was an Aerospace/RC committee. It was disbanded. There has been some discussion of creating a SIG consisting the various robotic efforts/interests along with RC and ? This would be separate from DPRG.
hmm … I’m sure there are a few that act like drones … snickers
But seriously, there are quite a few members with drones … many don’t frequent talk anymore.
Yes and no. There’s some folks around, but there’s not an organized thing and it’ll be some work to locate them if you just go up to the space any old day.
My understanding is a long while back DMS drone guys split and made NTDUG.
Aero activities has generally suffered from low attendance.
My opinion on the matter is that there isn’t an aero-specific piece of equipment that the average modeler couldn’t get that we could use to draw people. That is, there’s no reason not to do it in your garage and / or with tools that wouldn’t go under Aero. Saws for your balsa or basswood or whatever go in Woodshop, laser goes to Laser, modeling is either at home or Solidworks (so not Aero), electronics, soldering, and such is Electronics, etc. You do your work in your garage since that’s simpler, and there’s not a lot of things to funnel you into the space for exaggerated periods of time, where you could become a part of the social fabric.
Enough of the things you’d like to stock for a little DMS warehouse (engines and such) are too non-standard to make that workable; you end up covering 50-70% of what a fella needs and he’s got to go to the store anyway, said fella might as well go straight to the store and not compromise his design with the DMS parts that probably aren’t the exact thing he needed for that particular project. Aero-specific tools have a related problem: you already have to spend some cash to do anything at all in aero / mechatronics / rc / whatever, you might as well spring for a $30 charger that you don’t have to leave at the space when you’re done with it. And since aero stuff was developed as a small hobby thing, most all the tools fall into that category, where if you’ve got the cash you could just get it yourself.
An autoclave for composites and some folks willing and able to train in its use would be a draw that we could spin into a real Aero presence. That’s something I feel the average modeler couldn’t hope to get on their own, but might want to use. I don’t have the time to set this up, but I feel like it’d be your best bet to get an aero-specific gang to consistently have a reason to come to DMS.
A big plus was the safe battery charger. It is supposedly still in off-site storage.
@artg_dms Have you gone to look for it yet?
No, haven’t done a look/inventory yet.
Unless there’s an urgent need for it - or any of the other things, probably wait until after we move the ELab.
On my long list of things I’d like to do, if my job didn’t get in the way so frequently, is build a drone from component parts.