Any DMS Radio/Television/Commercial Scriptwriters available? VoiceOver Artists?

Hello All -

Darryl is putting together a general information video for Dallas Makerspace (as well as two additional projects in development).

We are looking for someone who is familiar with writing a Radio/TV add to assist in creating a 1-3 minute Voiceover script. We would have a professional V.O. artist (or a volunteer DMS member) to record the Voiceover.

We would like to meet sometime next weekend, and get it scripted. Again, only 1-3 minutes of script.

Thank you!

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I can do the voice-over. All I need to know is what voice you want.

Thank you, @Littlepchan - This would be announcer style, or maybe tour guide style. We will keep you posted on the script.

Anyone else with any skills who wish to contribute?