Any decent raspberry pi YouTube channels?

Trying to fall down the pi rabbit hole and I’m curious if anyone has a couple YouTube channels that have some good content on them

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I’d start with the Official Raspberry PI you tube channel:

And the Raspberry Pi guy is pretty popular at my house:

And finally a Top 10 list:


Thank you kindly, wasn’t sure if the pi guy was just one of those highly viewed but actually sucks channel.

ETAprime is a youtube channel that does lots of raspi stuff with a focus on roms/emulation.

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First, one shouldn’t get too hung up on it being “raspberry pi”. All that is just a small system on a chip linux pc with GPIO headers and modern I/O which runs via an ARM7 hard float processor.

Tech “speek” aside that just means its a chip x86 clone with the power of an Pentium 2 and runs a custom Linux (or windows 10 IoT Core).

Now that we broke that down to know what it is. One can truly get into the “what can it do for me”.

Linux is great for a lot of things, Desktop, Servers, Docker, Gaming, Development (nodejs, java, C/C++/Go, ruby, python, bash, …), “Hacking” either hardware via the GPIO headers (pyGPIO), the serial USB or software (reverse engineering, pentesting, datamining, etc… see /c/vcc/information-security)

So the real question here becomes what can I learn from Linux to make raspberry pi do what I want. Well that’s up to you to discover since its your project. The Rpi just makes it super cheep to have physical device in your hands to run it.

A few keywords to help you along:

  • “serial usb linux”
  • “GPIO hacking”
  • "python hacking
  • “linux gaming raspberry pi”

And remember hacking is not about breaking into computers its about learning by breaking things for the sake of learning how it works. So don’t be afraid to turn a few nobs or break a few configs. One can alwasy just reinstall or get a new rpi if they let out the jinni.


@denzuko you are an everflowing font of knowledge, one that I rarely comprehend, but a wealth of knowledge none the less. So while your comment is super great, damn dude you gotta learn to softball stuff in sometimes haha. I’m currently focused on the pi specifically because I just plan to regurgitate some projects people have already done as practice and picking up tidbits of knowledge here and there along the way. Then I’ll start down the iceberg you’ve got there.


No worries. Even the titanic only saw a small part of the iceberg. Feel free to pick brain at any time online or off.

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softball stuff in sometimes

maybe I should hang around the space in a Jedi outfit or something. hmm I can see it now…

nah… the gods of unix would for sake me and my regex fu…

or in other words, I learned my wealth of knowledge as you put it from the days of Bastard Operators and they had to hard fought that knowledge from the cryptic vaults of mainframes and Big Blue. We’re lucky I’m not a crufty curmudgeon as those guys "O.O…

ARM is NOT an x86 clone. It is a RISC processor.


Huh? Not even close.

ARM was originally Acorn RISC Machine, then Advanced RISC Machine, and now just ARM Holdings.

The ARM processors are reduced instruction set computing (RISC) chips, X86 processors are complex instruction set computing (CISC) chips.

Microsoft does have a Win10 subset that runs on ARM, but it in no way makes the RPi a x86 compatible computer.


@Bill @StanSimmons you guys are 110% spot on and glad you can set the record straight. I stated an x86 clone to simplify or as pointed out “softball” it for newbies who only understand a computer to be amd or intel.

We both know there’s more than that after all.