Baskets have been all over my pinterest feet lately and I have become super interested. Anyone know how to weave baskets at DMS? I would be more than willing to barter my own knowledge in other skills as a thank you.
I’ve been interested in basketry too, as are some other fiber art folks. I’ve woven a couple in distant past and enjoyed.
Interested to see if anyone can teach. When this came up before, it seems like @Cairenn_Day or @dryad2b knew someone. But it didn’t get further.
Once the dust settles on the expansion Great Shuffle, and especially having access to “wet” classroom (currently Galley), there’s a person I located in Arlington awhile back that does nice work and teaches. I’ve thought about approaching her to do a workshop.
Great, that’s awesome! Thank you for your response. I’ll stay in the loop and check back after the move.
Yep. And I love them. Will be happy to see what comes of it at DMS.
I do a project with my students called skin and bones - we use reed in a very sculptural way I have them add rice paper and just cheap white tissue paper soaked in modge lodge to create a skin. Sometimes we heatshrink plastic if it fits the form. Reed is amazing. I’ll look up the artist that was at the Crow last year and had a big sculptural project related to Buddhist meditation. It was good stuff.
You WERE talking about teaching occasionally…
Sue can teach reed basket at this thime she does not have any materialsWe have 2 excellent basket maker in the Barony Sandi and Karen I will reach out to them and explore them teachering foBYW Would there be any interest in making small wire basletw