So we probably need to schedule one, and presumably could combine it with a SIG meeting. I am guessing it will need to be on a weekend to have light to work on the antennas
Any preferences for date/time?
So we probably need to schedule one, and presumably could combine it with a SIG meeting. I am guessing it will need to be on a weekend to have light to work on the antennas
Any preferences for date/time?
Does the ladder to the roof still have a lock? Anyone know the combo or who to ask?
I presume board and/or Stan
I can’t make it this weekend or next. Sept 30th or Oct 7th should work for me though.
Not a bad price on half of what we’d need to get UHF/VHF at least started.
Not a perfect solution with the cable length I know, it should still work.
We’d need one of these up on the roof, and one at the radios.
I will be watching. I don’t have any time suggestions, or much hope I’ll be available, but will try.
This Saturday, Sept 16, after 10:00 am would work for me.
Okay, to give a little notice, how about this coming Saturday at 10a. If you can make it please post below.
With our existing J-Pole we wouldn’t need a duplexer. We would just need a single line run from the radio bench to the roof antenna deployment. However, the primary reason we didn’t do this before is that the coax run length is reasonably long (200+ feet) and that is a lot of loss at VHF/UHF
Last time we discussed UHF/VHF, the cable length issue came up as well. Running a seperate line is ideal. And a problem it seems.
An idal solution some indeterminate time in the future vs a less than optimum but very soon solution is the question.
The loss is significan’t, but workable.
And in future if we DO run a shorter feedline for UHF/VHF, we can always use the duplexer on that to deploy a second HF antenna. I think it’d be great to have a mag loop on the roof for example.
But if the wisdom is to hold out for the perfect setup, so be it.
No way I can make anything this weekend. Would like to attend, but I have commitments all weekend long with FenCon.
I can’t get on the roof, so we will need at least one preferably two who are willing.
@zmetzing are you planning on being at the space anytime this week? If so, I would like to chat about the QC procedure just in case you can’t make it.
Apparently I scheduled it for Sunday.
@zmetzing can you get in touch with @Kriskat30 to get roof access arranged?
You could try LMR-400. Its a little pricey but loss on VHF UHF Is barley anything
Thar be the first problem!