Just a little PSA that Being Excellent to Each Other starts with you.
What if once they were face-to-face they started punching the hell out of each other? Then how would that long-haired hippie interloper feel? Egg on his/her face…amiright?
Also, if the person being flown over brought all of his personal baggage with him, ostensibly to unload it, was there a checked-baggage fee involved. That would make me mad.
I mean this in all excellence dude. There is a “y” in lawyers.
I made a conscious decision to check out of said flame wars a week or two ago. The asbestos coveralls were getting a tad itchy.
Remember …
Thank you so much for putting the y in
Thank you so much for putting the y in
I don’t know, sometimes it just hurts
You’re welcome. Anyone can do it, you know… (well, once trust level is met)