Amateur Radio SIG meeting on 19-Jul-2016

Hello fellow amateurs,

I propose a SIG meeting on the 20th at about 7pm, and we’ve got a few topics for discussion:

  1. @wandrson proposes a simple 1 transistor 80 meter homebrew transmitter build class
  2. BYOR (Bring Your Own Rig) bench arrangement in the Electronics Lab
  3. (related to #2) Antennas! What is still on the DMS roof, and how can we utilize those effectively for the BYOR bench?

If this doesn’t work well for anyone, let me know and we can move it around a bit.


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Unfortunately, there are no rooms available on Wed or Thur, so I’ve moved it to Tuesday evening.

(edit: … and, apparently, I can no longer edit the above message, so ignore the date in that one)

I’m planning to attend. See you there!

Reminder: Amateur Radio SIG meeting TOMORROW NIGHT (19-Jul-2016) in the Purple Classroom.

I have the prototype for the class build completed and tested.

So, this prototype version is putting a little more the 600 mW into a 50 ohm dummy load. For people who might be interested in this class, it will be open to non-licensed (no HAM license) folks as well. The transmitter we will build will have its dummy load on the board, so it will not exceed FCC radiation requirements for unlicsened experimenters. The class will provide a nice introduction to analog prototype build techniques, basic radio transmitter operation, basic soldering skills, etc… And if you decide you like it, getting licensed is pretty easy, and with a quick mod and a good antenna this transmitter is capable of sending signals to the other side of the planet!


Great turn out last night, everyone!

If you’re interested in Amateur Radio, whether you’d like to talk around the world on HF, chat with friends locally on a VHF/UHF repeater, or experiment with microwave frequencies, please join us for a meeting. We’ll show you how to get started quickly in one of the most varied and rewarding hobbies you can pursue!

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