I’ve got a bunch of books on amateur radio, including antenna books. Most seem to be from arrl.
Want them?
I’ve got a bunch of books on amateur radio, including antenna books. Most seem to be from arrl.
Want them?
You may want to come to the next AR SIG meeting and offer them to members or perhaps the donation shelf. We really don’t have anyplace to store books (or much anything else) at the moment.
I don’t know anything about amateur radio, and have no interest in it. These came in a batch of other books. Saw a post about building radio antennas when I was sorting through them.
If someone wants them they can have them.
Interest. I don’t have any of the ARRL references and I’d like to have that handy if I can.
I’ll be there Sunday for the woodshop basics, and Monday for cnc router if you want to grab them from me
Ok, thanks! …