Aluminum-Only Shell Mill - Inoperative 2/28/2020

I was machining a piece of aluminum today when I noticed the aluminum-only shell mill shell was not seated fully on the tapered arbor. I removed the socket head bolt from the arbor, cleaner, and tried to reassemble, but was unsuccessful. From what I can tell, there may be a burr on the arbor that’s preventing the shell from seating, but didn’t want to force it on there in case that would cause more damage.

I left the disassembled shell mill in the machining cabinet in its normal plastic cup. If there’s any more details needed, please let me know and I’ll be happy to explain further.

It helps to tag @Team_Machine_Shop. Many folks on the team are busy and don’t read the category, but tagging the team “pings” everybody.

Ill take a peek tomorrow if no body else gets to it first.

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Didn’t know that you could do that, thanks!

The shell is back on. There’s a nick in the keyway, the mill won’t drop out cleanly. I stoned it, but there’s a small bulge still.