All I was saying

And your response tells me you don’t understand my post. The history i was referring to is here at DMS - not at large. Before you ramble on, do the above homework. Before you ramble on, understand the history here at DMS - what has worked, what has failed and why.

If you have not held an office here at DMS - you don’t have a clue.
Now go do your homework.


I was going to ask where I can stream it but the answer seems to be either Amazon Prime or Tubi depending on preference. It’s definitely going on the list.


This thread brings this song to mind…


Oh, I’m sorry. I should’ve known that when I saw known brain-genius Chris Faizo use the words “elected” and “third party” that he instead meant “appointed” and “one extra person within the second party”. This is supposed to reverse the concentration of power, apparently.

Yea I agree, in the history of Dms never has any board ever had any inclination or hint of power being misused and abused or anything that dispersing power would solve! Not once has less people in charge led to the miss use of power in the history of the entire Dms history book

Yea I mean the us cabinet vs Castros “cabinet” were basically the same amount of people and one wasn’t any more democratic than the other honestly

I have vague memories of a game called llamdatron that we used to play on dos at one of my schools. it was wild

I’m not insane!


Well…at least you weren’t mistaken ;–)