Alan & Thomas - Thanks for your help last night

This is just a shout out to Alan and Thomas for another evening / early morning help in helping a newish member with her car project.
The drivetrain (engine and transmission for the non car folks) was lowered into the car last night.

Alan (is not on Talk,) Thomas (may not be either)…but thanks for the help and the endless humor!




Raymond, this is a photo of the most energetic, positive, eager to learn DMS member ( and be involved in her car project )(note the evidence on her hands/arms from being involved in the car work) :

And MJ cleans and puts everything away where it belongs (shocking right?)



Everyone should learn how to work on their cars. :slight_smile:

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the term “power” in “powertrain” would have been overkill in this Dodge


Good luck with most of today’s yutes!
I do think the driver’s test should include demonstrating the ability to check basic roadworthiness of their vehicle…never going to happen tho.


I agree, People should be required to show how to safely change to a spare tire.

My kids will know how to do that.


I’ve had the pleasure of doing this myself on multiple occasions. At least twice this was on bridges on highways where the room to maneuver was … minimal. Most recently, I happened to have just enough air in the spare to make it to a service station where after 45 minutes - limping to a spot wide enough for the swap then performing the swap for the first time every on that vehicle - I had the privilege of coughing up all my spare change to use an air compressor. Fun times.

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My most recent bout with low pressure led to the discovery that many of the gas station air compressors now require plastic payments…

{cranky old man} in MY day, gas stations had FREE air! aaaaand we LIKED it!


Since they can barely be arsed to maintain the things, why bother collecting physical money from them?

(Yeah yeah, I know they break down all the time because people inexplicably beat the hell out of them, but since they’re revenue-generating devices, one would expect them to be more consistently in service so they can collect three-plus bux per 120 seconds of air)


One of these should be kept with jumper cables.


Not sure about Texas, but in some states if you sell gas they a required to provide air and water, doesn’t have to be free but does have to be available… When they started going away from Service Stations to Convenience Stores that sell gas, they didn’t bother putting air or water.

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Yup. On my list of vehicle preparedness items.

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Amazing how LOUD those little things are.

When the semis are buzzing by at 70mph, you can’t hear that little compressor!

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And carrying around a can of ether in your car in Texas heat is a really good idea also.

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If I have a flat and the car battery is dead, I’ve got bigger problems than I can address on the side of the road.


Don’t forget a jug of 50/50 antifreeze.

QT has free air. :slight_smile: :blankspace:

Have you ever found one of these that can add 5-10 psi in a reasonable amount of time. I’ve had several and i can add 10psi to three tires with a walmart hand bike pump as fast as the inflators does just one tire. And I get a free 15 min cardio workout at the same time.