Affinity Designer

Continuing the discussion from Vector and Illustrator Basics Class:

One of the major things that came up was the cost of Adobe Illustrator, which can be extremely prohibitive. I am absolutely down for still teaching that class, but I am wondering if people would be interested in learning about Affinity Designer too. I’ve played around with a beta version in the past and downloaded a copy to play with after that previous descussion. To me, it seems to be feature similar to illustrator while also having raster capabilities. Though it is lacking a image tracing option. Might be a good mix for the majority of DMS members.

It cost is WAY less, ~60 bucks for 2 years. It probably doesn’t offer a massive benefit over Inkscape other than being more similar to Illustrator, which for some people might be the thing they’re looking for. I was able to get running in ~2m in Affinity vs ~30 for inkscape.

They also offer a 10d trial at


I use Affinity Photo over Photoshop, it is a night and day difference to Photoshop, excellent software.

Affinity Designer is a younger development but from what I have seen it seems to be well on it’s way and it already performs some common tasks better than Illustrator.

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Wow! Reviews of Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo are excellent. I had never heard of this software before. I’m sure the community would appreciate a class on Affinity Designer.

Now in regards to pricing I read $49.99/ one time purchase (Apple Mac Store). Right there, that’s pretty amazing in comparison with Adobe (expensive) monthly subscription.

Thank you for sharing this!