Aerospace Committee Meeting TONIGHT @ 6PM *** Via Google Hangouts ***

Host: Romeo (@Romeo_Espana)
Contact: Romeo or Lisa (@LisaSelk)

Our next Aerospace Committee meeting will be held via Google Hangouts TONIGHT, Thursday, April 9th, 6 PM - 7 PM to discuss the Aerospace Committee Chairperson appointment, as well as other items that Aerospace Members wish to discuss.

Anyone who wants to be considered as Chairperson will be added to the vote at the very beginning of the actual Google Hangout Meeting from 6 PM - 7 PM on Thursday, April 9th - so don’t be late!

If you wish to participate in the Google Hangout meeting, please send Romeo or me (Lisa S) a message via Google Hangouts, PM, or via e-mail to: [email protected] with the Google ID you wish to use for the meeting ASAP.

NOTE: If you do not already have a Gmail account, you can create an account to use for this and other online Google Hangout meetings (in other words, it doesn’t have to be the e-mail address you normally use - as long as we know you are an active DMS member).

Please send Romeo or me the Gmail / Google account information that you want to use ASAP, to make sure we have time to “add” you to the Hangout for the meeting.

Thank you,

Lisa S (submitted on behalf of Romeo, Aerospace Chairperson)

The minutes for the Aerospace Committee meeting have been posted on the wiki:

The Aerospace Committee has voted to recommend that Nick McCarthy (@Nick_McCarthy) joins Romeo Espana (@Romeo_Espana) as Co-Chairs for the committee. It’s going to be an exciting year for Aerospace! :slight_smile: