Advertising Open House 2018

Hey PR!

I’m unable to attend any of the meetings for the forseeable future, however I was wondering what the PR schedule was for Open House.

When are we posting to FB?

When are we posting to Talk?

What are the details of the event?

Any information is good, if these things aren’t decided, I can put together some materials for us to use!


@talkers @Diplomat @heyheymama @uglyknees

There are quite a few materials on the committee drive from last year that could be updated and re-used.

I will not be able to attend open house this year as I have a prior engagement.


I only know what my crew is up to in exchange for tacos


Woodturning will have a station for the whole day, currently this is what we have scheduled. Our needs are to have one lathe in operation and a table with a few examples of finished items by the turner. The idea being we will have one person turning and the backup person available to take over for breaks, or to talk to passers by. Location is uncertain at the present, but I’m thinking not the woodshop due to noise. Jeff needs a backup, so if anyone would like to join in please let me know and I will add you to the rotation!

DSM open house schedule 3

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some of this info might be relevant


Ditto what Luke says. We are less than two weeks away. A lot of committees are going through a lot of effort - it would be a real shame for no one to show up.


For starters, this should be visible by the general public. :grumble: