Advanced Welding/Specialized Welding Interest check

Hello Makers, This one is gonna be an interest check for advanced procedures such as pipe welding, sheet metal welding (I’d even like to try some razorblades for fun), out of position welding, and training to get certified (if you’re looking to learn welding as a occupation.

Of course you can’t learn these specialized skills in a single class so all of them would have to be multi day classes. But I’m still wanting to see if I should eventually put some of these on the calendar

Atlas, I’m not sure I could even participate in your advanced classes until I have more practice but I’d be interested. Woudl they be using the MIG/TIG or stick welder?

Well putting these up probably wouldn’t happen for at least a month or two seeing as how the metal shop committee is kinda in disarray for the moment with the new regime change. In each class we’d be using at least two processes if not all three as in the case of pipe welding since the base principals are the same.

I’m pretty new still but I’ve tried some out of position and pipe (well, tubing) welding and would be interested in a class.

I saw how fast your TIG welding class filled up (that I was too slow to sign up for) and I think that maybe a few rounds of that could help open up further interest in advanced classes. As for me personally, I would like to see another TIG welding class posted so that I could join.

Definitely interested. I was lucky to catch the TIG class while browsing today.

Same. I’m specifically interested in thin-wall Chromoly tube welding / out-of-position welding.

Here’s the resources I found:

  1. Russo, D. (2005). Construction of Tubular Steel Fuselages. Aircraft Technical Book Co.

  2. #1 Thin wall Tig welding for aircraft. (2020). YouTube. Retrieved from #1 Thin wall TIG welding for aircraft - YouTube.

I haven’t actually practiced welding anything since the box from the intro class.

I’m not going to lie to you something like this would take a long time to build up to. In my three years of dedicated welding every single day working towards a degree I only know the basics of aerospace welding. However I know all the basic principals associated with doing it. Most of the specialty is specific metallurgy knowledge as well as knowing how to weld to code.

Welding a box is good for a basic lesson but it definitely takes time to build up to that skill level. I’d definitely recommend learning how to weld sheet metal and pipe if that’s what you’re working towards. Start with the basics and don’t rush yourself.