Adding to the HAAS DMS tool crib library

Is there an updated library of the currently available tooling for the HAAS? last time I was in I noticed some cool stuff that wasn’t in the DMS tool crib library for fusion such as the 1" roughing mill, a 1/2" chamfer mill, and some other smaller mills. I’d be willing to help update the library.

the DMS tool library as it is, exists for the sole purpose of supporting the domino project. that in no way means that you can’t add tools to your own local library under F360. We have 7 defined tools in slots 2-8 and 2 user definable tools in slots 1 and 9. Some day if we get the other 10 tool holders fixed we will increase the library with tools for cutting steel. Until then, if you are an authorized user (which you are) you are free to define tools locally in F360 that make use of the existing tool slots for other tools. the only (unwavering) rule is that if you change the tool offset of any of our 7 defined library tools you put the back EXACTLY on your clean up of memory and the controller registers. Just take a picture of the offsets page and put back when done. failure to do so has consequences.

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Gotcha. Ok I wasn’t aware that was only for the Domino project. Good to know that I can use those tool slots for other tools as long as they all get put back to the same values. I’ll take a photo of the offsets and save it for future use.

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