Adding inexpensive cell service to X project

I have long been wanting to add cellular capabilities to my nonmonitored Ademco security system (already have an Arduino coupled to it). I ran across They have a very basic free cell plan that allows for 50 SMS (and 10MB data) per month. It is not much, but for backup hir my automation project, I think it is perfect.
The service runs off Sprint, but being in DFW, I don’t think that will be a problem. I added an old single core android to their plan and it works like a champ (aside from the phone being gawd awful slow)

My goal is to add Bluetooth to my Arduino then write an Android app that will link the system to SMS notifications.

Has anyone else done something similar where you added a phone to your project? I am interested in hearing other’s pains and successes.


This might be what you need:

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I ended up doing Push Notifications found them easier to integrate and Extremely low cost.

My friend uses Ting for his whole family…