Acrylic vs Glass for Viewing Window on Abrasive Blasting Cabinet. Pros & Cons? Replacement Process?

from reading about this stuff, the best option appears to be to screen the window with steel (or aluminum) window screen (in addition to the “glass”, obviously).

This has been batted around before, as well, but I don’t know that it’s ever been discussed in the context of pay to play. @dallasmagna would need to make that call. Although I’m generally opposed to “for a small fee” to use the equipment, maybe it’s the way to go in this case…

Of course, as long as Tom’s offering freebies, seems like THAT’S the way to go.

as far as I know, yes, but I think that would get out of hand quickly when applied to this particular situation.

I still think it might be worthwhile to keep a stack of these, and polish them up once they’re removed, so they can be used again.

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@bitta, I like the black diamond blasting media, but there are many types out there for specific applications. It is pretty cheap stuff and does a good job on rust and paint removal for me.

As for the Mylar option, I bet that would work. I wish they would actually give us a price on the unit. I thought about attempting to make one of these. But, the size of the window and the method for mounting annoyed me away from the project. I was also overly concerned about leak, which I shouldn’t of been.

Meh… people are idiots if they aren’t wearing a dust mask while using that machine. It leaks very fine dust anyway and you don’t want to be breathing that in. I was told to go buy a dust mask if I was going to use it and I was glad to have been given that bit of advice.

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Yeah, I came to the same conclusion after my use of the machine as well. I’m used to using much higher quality cabinets than ours, and wanted to meet that level of expectation. But, the window would of been the least of the problems on our cabinet.

I’ve been reading forums that seem to agree with this. Glass with a screen covering it.

Do you have a size for free glass yet?

or am I going with 12 x 24?

Tom - I haven’t been at DMS this week. I probably won’t until next week. I can get the measurement then or if some one can get it to you before that.

I may be there tomorrow or by the weekend and will measure it - if not next week works


Hey Tom - I finally got to DMS. Not sure if you already got the measurement for the viewing window, but I measured it today and it is 12"x24".

I’ll cut some tonight or tomorrow and try to get them there Thurs or Fri.


due to work conflict - they will be delivered monday

I’ll bring a dozen or more - not sure where to “store them though”


Maybe we could clean out and organize the cabinet and find a place for them. Maybe another small cabinet near the blaster where the welder is, etc.


just somewhere “obvious” but not likely to get tossed or accidentally destroyed(nor used for the laser folks)

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I think I would put them on the east wall in the wire shelves that probably need cleaned out anyway…

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I’ll label them with blue tape for sand blaster only.

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I think one of the real issues we have is people pointing the gun at the glass to see if it’s working. I’ve seen it multiple times. I don’t understand why that’s a thought people have.


That doesn’t happen. Nick said so.

Also, for anyone tuning in and wondering, this is one of those life lessons EVERYONE should have learned as a small child, but most of us forget at some point in our lives. Now is a good time for a reminder: ANYTHING capable of firing ANY projectile, DO NOT “point it at” [your face, your buddy’s face, the camera, ANYTHING other than “at the place where we want the projectile to go”]. Seriously. This effs stuff up. Might be the glass on the sandblaster. Might be your eye. Might be your buddy’s head…

Better get my eyeballs checked. The always correct Nick knows what I’ve seen myself better than I do.

For what it’s worth I’ve shunned the people who did this to no end because I was helping them when they did it.

I also incorporated “don’t point the gun at the glass” into the conversation when I help people with the blaster.

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You should also incorporate “If all you see is dust in the chamber then go re-bury the pickup in the media.”

Thanks for the complement Pearce, the recognition is always appreciated. High five. :smile:

Thanks Tom for bringing the replacement Windows in, you rock! Good luck with the blasting everyone.