Acetylene/Oxygen Smith Little Torch System and Accessories

Hey all - I am trying to sell an acetylene/oxygene smith little torch soldering/welding system. I bought it earlier this year new and bought full tanks. I bought new for ~$635. Looking to sell for ~$450, OBO. I’ve only used it a couple of times, and it is completely set up ready to go. I have all the different tips, and accessories (lighter, and refills) I’m in East Dallas. Would anyone here be looking to buy it at a discount? It just is not for me - I prefer the small butane torches. This is much more than what I need. Pick-up in East Dallas near White Rock Lake.

Link : Smith Complete Little Torch Acetylene and Oxygen System - RioGrande

Thanks for reading!

  • Sidney

Reminder for members interested:

We currently do not allow oxy-acetyl to be stored at the makerspace in any fashion. If you know what you are doing you can bring it, but the bottles can’t leave your sight. You head to lunch, you take them with you.

This was a fire marshal concern.