Access to DMS GitHub

What is the process for being added to the DMS GitHub Organization to be able to contribute directly to DMS projects? Or is it intended that we fork the projects and use pull requests to merge them?


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We don’t have a GitHub organization… at least not an official one that we control. Most of us in Infrastructure use our own GitHub accounts.

It’s not official, you can just fork it or just talk to the person who created the project.

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Seems official enough, Andrew, Paul, Peter… Talk to one of them.

Yeah, it’s the official one for the Makerspace, I’ve got admin access. Let me know what project(s) you want to contribute to and I’ll add you.


I’d like to contribute to Near-Space-Balloon

Invite sent, just head over to our GitHub page to accept it.

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Hey Andrew, I’ve already been donating development cycles to 3d Fab and on other improvements around the space. So I would like the get my code up on the get up, to “share the wealth” as it were. Projects I’m working on and/or already contributed to:

- 3d Fab Status page
- Classroom UI for tablet tie into calendar
- Calendar performance improvements
- Octoprint SSO plugin

I’d say go ahead and guess what my username is on github (or anywhere’s online for that matter) but to not be that funny about it. One can find me at denzuko (Dwight Spencer ([email protected])) · GitHub.


I’m also interested in gaining access. We have some projects going on in Digital Media


Ok, I’ve updated the settings for the GitHub org so that anyone who is a member of it can push to repos and create new repos. @denzuko and @Draco you should have invites to join.


Thank you Andrew! I’ll be sure to include plenty of documentation on the wiki and in the repo along with links to the Travis CI build where appropriate.

I would also encourage others committing code to the repos to do the same.