Abusing the printers

at the moment, righty is printing tm01-3dprint-1.gcode
Approx. Total Print Time: 06:16:40
Print Time: 06:35:08
Print Time Left: 4 hours

and far righty is printing tm01-3dprint-3.gcode
Print Time: 02:02:02
Print Time Left: 01:19:12

I would recommend filing a complaint with the Board of Directors by emailing [email protected]

Mark (@thetazzbot)…

As a rule, members should only use one printer at a time.

However, if no-one else is using the other printers, members may take a chance and start another print job or two… with the understanding that if any member wants to use the printers and the current print job has more than 20 minutes left, then they must sacrifice the print job and allow the other member to use the printer.

Let me spell this out to everyone who may be reading this thread…

Members should only use one 3D printer at any given time.

  • If no-one else is using the other printers, a member may take a
    chance and start additional print job(s) on the other printer(s).
  • If any other member wants to use any of the printers, the member using more than one printer MUST cancel a print job to allow the other member an opportunity to use a 3D Printer.
    • 20 Minute “Be Excellent” Rule: If there are less than 20 minutes left to a print, the member waiting to use the 3D printer should gracefully allow the print job to finish. If there are 20 minutes or more left on the “extra” print job, the member using more than one printer must cancel it immediately.

I would strongly suggest to any member using the 3D Printers, to print their name on the little white board on top of the printer(s) you are using. That way, if another member wants to use one of the printers, you have the option to come to the room and decide which print job(s) get sacrificed.

I personally do not like the idea of members intentionally cancelling other members’ print jobs; however, if one member is using multiple printers; and, they cannot be located, then the member waiting can - after making a reasonable attempt to locate the member using multiple printers - cancel the job IF there are 20 minutes or more left on the print job. DO NOT ABUSE THIS OPTION!

Along those lines… Members: Remember, you must stay on Dallas Makerspace property while using the 3D Printers! If you need to leave the premises for any reason, be sure to either cancel your print job(s) - or find another member who will agree to watch your print for you.

… and PLEASE Stop telling new members that paying is optional… If you use filament provided by the 3D Fabrication Committee of Dallas Makerspace, you MUST weigh ALL plastic used (whether the print was successful or not) and PAY for it! (We are still experiencing a significant decrease in plastic being paid for; and, I have had new members tell me that they were told they didn’t have to pay - which is NOT correct!). On that note, as soon as I find out how much was counted from the cash box the other day, I will purchase more filament. How much I purchase will depend on the amount that was deposited the other day. If members don’t pay for the filament, we will stop providing it.


Hey Lisa, I’m debating purchasing a filament or not, do you know when makerspace will be able to restock?

So just so im not looking like a jerk … On the day in question there were three people in queue and 6+ hours left on both prints… Hence my email. Apologies to anyone i offended…

I would suggest using the name cards with phone number when printing… Helps locate folks when prints fail etc

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@amesser… I ordered four spools of Bright White tonight. That will tie us over until members get caught up on paying for filament already used, and begin weighing & paying at the time they use the plastic.

Reminder to ALL:
The filament provided by the 3D Fabrication Committee of Dallas Makerspace is NOT free! All plastic used MUST be paid for at the time used. All plastic used MUST be weighed (including support material and failed prints), and must be paid for at the price labeled on the spool. If there is not a price for any reason, then pay 50 cents per gram - or use a spool that is labeled.

We will start building up our filament supplies as members get caught up on what they already owe, and will be able to keep it well stocked if members continue to pay… Please help remind members to Weigh It & Pay for It at the time they print, so we can rebuild our stock of available colors again!

Thanks Y’all!!!