Trying to do the math, they say more that 2000 machine available, lets assume 2000 cause the darn things break down or require maintenance.
300000000 tests / 2000 machines = 150000 test/machine
150000 test/machine / 100 tests/machine / hour = 1500 hours
1500 hours / 24 hours/day = 62.5 days
Gosh, that is a whole lot better than I expected!
at 200 tests/hour it’s just a little more than a month.
I would call this a bright light at the end of the tunnell.
I would guess that drawing the blood will be the rate limiting step.
Absolutely, sensitivity and specificity are always extremely important as I have stated previously. Abbott is a very reputable company so I trust their results perhaps a little more than tests imported from elsewhere, but results always must be interpreted in the context of the disease process. I have to keep reminding myself that this is called novel Corona virus for a reason. We really have only known about it since around Christmas, and and today is tax day. There is still a lot that we do not know, and much of what is being said is speculative. We certainly do not know if antibodies signify immunity and if it does for how long. I think most people accept that the presence of antibodies indicate past exposure to the pathogen. In this case, I am going to go with something is better than nothing, only time will tell us the answers.
BTW, you posted a link to an excellent article. I hope everyone reads it.