For the razors I have a mix of wood and acrylics available and the brush handles will be wood only (curly maple and orange Osage to match the wood safety razors). Hope to see you there!
Just letting folks know, there are still 2 slots open for each class
I’d like to attend but haven’t taken the lathe class yet so I couldn’t sign up. Hoping a lathe class comes soon.
@talkers is teaching on Wednesday at 5:30 pm, but that is too late. I will let you know when another one is up
Yeah, I did see that one, but it is on the 4th and I’ll be out of town. But like you said it is past your class anyhow.
Thanks for the reply!
Might be a way to get you certified before the class, big might but I’ll let you know today. Unless your schedule is totally full already
Seems as though the evening right before a holiday was a bad day to schedule a class. I had some interest, but several people who wanted to, couldn’t make it. As a result I cancelled and have moved them to July 20th. They will show up in 72 hours at which time I will bump this thread. Just wanted to make the announcement and make sure everyone who wants to make a thing can do so
Thanks Steve!! @Lordrook
Hey @Nate thanks for the offer! I am heading out of town either tonight or first thing in the morning. I see John Gorman is teaching a class on Saturday that is full, but I’ll be out of town anyhow. I see this class will be pushed till later in July, maybe I can get John to certify me between now and then. Or are you one of the instructors, if so maybe I can meet you there at some point between now and then.
I am working on being one of John with becoming certified to teach the Lathe Basics. Hopefully if I can get that done before the 20th I will let you know and try to setup a class. Is there a time of the week that works better for you?
I’m not, but I believe I’m trying to do the same thing as Steve but more a one on one if someone really needs it. I have a few things to.figure out first though
I did resubmit these and they are up for the 20th!
Thanks @Lordrook Steve, sorry just seeing this email, still new to talk and these notifications go to my less frequently used email address. I see the classes posted on the 20th, Friday’s are tough for me but worse case maybe I can get lathe certified if that comes up on the board, and go from there. My best nights are Tue or Thur and that is when I’m there typically.
Absolutely appreciated. Rich