A Total Newbie Wanting to Learn

Hi there!

I’m very new to the DMS community but so far I’ve loved it. I’ve gotten to meet some really cool and knowledgeable people and I can’t wait to keep meeting more of you all!

I’ve been very interested in learning blacksmithing for a number of years. Eventually I would like to get into blade smithing, though I assume that there are quite a few basics I need to learn and concepts I need to practice before jumping in to that.

I just wanted to post and see if there is anyone who would be up for showing me some of the ropes! Also, because I’m so new here, I am not sure if people typically pay for things like this. Any feedback/help is super appreciated!

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Right now things are kind of restricted for social distancing. I don’t see a monthly meet-up for blacksmithing on the Event Calendar at all. OTOH, it’s summer in Texas – we might be skipping because it’s Damn Hot.

@HankCowdog is one of the knowledgeable blacksmithing folks. He’ll know whether there’s a charge or not for the blacksmithing. Typically, the student pays for supplies. Some committees charge a bit so that they’ve got the budget for repairs.


There is no charge for the induction forge/KMG grinder class. The intro to Blacksmithing and open forge class (Propane and sometimes coal) has a $10 fee to cover fuel and the materials for the class project. It’s likely that outdoor classes won’t resume until September -it’s too hot out.

Joe Brown is now the Blacksmith Chair (@jbrown885). You might check with him re: classes once classes open back up. You might be able to work out a 1-on-1 class with him or Dave Rosenfeld the vice chair (@dsquared).

There are slide decks for the induction forge and KMG on the Committee Drive and hardcopies in a blue binder on the shelf in Metal Shop if you wanted an advance look at the training materials.


Thank you for the info and for tagging the right people in your post! I appreciate the help!


Great, thank you for the info!


I was about to tell him where to find the Committee stuff on the wiki, but I realized that might not be the right place. Is it on the wiki, or in that google stuff? I haven’t gotten into the google… stuff…

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Neither. It’s on the shared “Committee” hard drive on the Jump Servers (and virtually every PC in DMS).


What are the best books on blacksmithing that would be good to start out with?

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Personally, I like Mark Aspery’s books the best. They’re a little more than some others, but you can by straight from him and they are very well laid out. http://www.markaspery.com/School_of_Blacksmithing/Book_1.html


This is a good book, and if you work through all the Wizard exercises, you end up with a pretty good set of starting punches and tools (which I have not yet done :frowning: )

This book is also pretty good and has a series of projects which build on earlier skills.
