A Place for Plastic

So we’ve had two “Star Wars Armor Workshops” in the Interactive Classroom now, the first had 20+ people wander through over the course of the day, the 2nd had in the 30s (though many were family/onlookers/not working, we had only 1 set of tools so we had a queue of folks).

Plus with the vacuum table coming online (hopefully) … is there a place or a chance for one day getting a place carved out to cut plastic (i.e. something that can help manage dust)?

For Reference:
The primary tools we’ve used for cutting our Sintra PVC (black 6mm mainly)
~ Skil 2.5 amp 9" band saw (~ $130 at Lowes)
~ 1x30 Belt Sander (~ $45 Harbor Freight cheapo, we angle the table 30 deg. or so to put a bevel)
~ Palm/Mouse Detail Sander (~$18 Harbor Freight cheapo with the Velcro)
~ Dremel with 1 1/2" carbine wood cutting wheel

You could work in the wood shop. I know it says wood only, but that I believe is meant to keep metal shards out of the wood. So if you work in there, just be extra diligent in your cleaning up. Especially with the tools, as plastics tend to gum up moving parts and can some time rub to the point of catching fire. This is an issue for wood as well, but plastic tends to be a more common culprit.

Hope this is helpful.

Wood shop has at least one blade for cutting plastic. So, they do work with plastic in there.

Really the Band Saw and Table Saw (with the correct blades) are the only tools in the wood shop that you can use plastic on. Also a person must be trained on how to use the table saw before using the Table Saw.

Please no sanding on the power sanders as the plastic melts into the sanding belts and ruins them.

As always, please make sure to clean up after yourself.