A New Face in Ceramics

That’s good to hear, fingers crossed nothing else pops up.




Let me unfurl my cape of unfun!

The ‘1027’. It’s stylish! It’s meaningful and conveys information! /It’s already printed on the side./



Did Alan have anything to do with this?

Yes. I was kinda poking fun at him. He was asking me yesterday about it. After I explained it to him he understood, or seemed too. He still wasn’t exactly sure why its not called 2 phase… I told him it was just terminology.

Just call it Ra - after the sun god:

Who is the sun god Ra?

Ra (Re) was the primary name of the sun god of Ancient Egypt. He was often considered to be the King of the Gods and thus the patron of the pharaoh and one of the central gods of the Egyptian pantheon. He was also described as the creator of everything.

came here to type or read this. was not dissapoint.

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2x :blankspace:

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how did you type that without having 10 characters? Magic…



Or a T.A.R.D.I.S. Disguised as a Calliope

There’s basically a “blankspace” emoji in there.
you literally type :blankspace:


TIL :blankspace:

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Also, not that I have an agenda for the name, but Kilny McKilnface is trending with more likes than all the others so far…


‌What Kent said. But there are other, sneakier, ways (I hear)…

Thus ‌

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How about Athena. God of crafts with sun like characteristics. You could name all the kilns after gods or sun gods. This way we have names when we put them on the WiFi. Yes we WiFi everything. Just ask the lathe next to you.


Two of the kilns are already wi-if enabled, :).
Allows for remote monitoring of the firing process which is incredibly handy.

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With gatsby and fitz diesnt it have to be Daisy?

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Dragon breath

Dragon Heart

Maker Dragon

Satan’s Butthole

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My vote would be for “Jessica” - sexy profile and the colors match.