Buddy of mine recommended this and I am pleasantly surprised by its impact on me.
I’ve been wanting to get into raising cattle for some time. Sounds like this woman has some great advice!
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It is a great movie! I own the DVD.
She is still alive and was in Dallas in 2017 for a lecture.
If there is enough interest, we could plan a movie night in the Lecture Hall.
We cannot public announce a showing. There are crazy copyright laws that bite on our heels if we do.
She is an amazing woman If anyone is concerned if plants are using humane
slaughter practices, look for her videos on cattle, hog and turkey slaughter, After watching them
I felt better about eating meat
I think a movie night is a great idea, I missed Hidden Figures
Saw her speak and met her while in college. Pretty good speaker, very to the point as well.
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