I know that many of the committees have Facebook pages/groups
Eo we have a general oen where folks can post pictures of what is happening
Here’s this link again, with all the social media pages I know.
Among those at the top, under “official” is this one
Which is the same one linked on the main page, the blog, etc. Because I don’t know how facebook works, I don’t know if “folks can post pictures of what’s going on” or not.
This one needs to be added to the list
I will see if I can start sharing from committee sites to the general one It hasnt had a post since Jan
What is that page?
That is the page for blacksmithing it is fairly new
I just tried to share a post from SMS Fired Art to the generla page and i wouldn share
can someone else try, It may be the wasy te page is set up Groups are easier to share ton and sager for the admins
Several of these are being rarely used and it doesnt seem that it is easy to share to them
Do we know who created them?
I believe the Jeanie started the ones we are seeing used I started the blacksmithint oen
Started? No.
Last had access? No.
Other than Lisa Selk, I have no idea on the “official facebook page”. No idea on the others, at all. That’s part of the problem with “social media”: it was never intended for organizations to use for advertising, and all of the management of such is an after-thought. Thus, it tends to be poorly managed because access is such a pain the ass. Especially for an organization who doesn’t have a designated, employed, PR CZAR. Volunteers are notorious for walking away to volunteer for other things with their accesses and credentials instead of leaving them behind for the next voluntold-er…
There are ways around some of these problems For one thing you have more than one page admin
Make sure the committee chair and/or vice chair are added Add an active FoD member
I do something about admining groups and pages I prefer groups instead of pages
I will do a little digging o the less active pages
The official one looks to be set up as a business page/non profit
One can share to the Dallas Maker s page easily
Re sharing post from fire arts to DMS general fb page
Why that won’t work is because you can’t share posts from a Closed group because of privacy settings
What I do if I have something I want to post on say the Creative Arts fb page (public group) and Fiberholics (closed group), then I either cross-post (just post same or similar both places), or post it in the public group first (CA), then share that to the closed group (Fiberholics). In other words, a post can share public–>closed, but not closed–>public
And yeah, the Fiberholics, Sew and Sews, and JSM are fb groups that I made probably a couple years ago now. It’s easy and convenient to post event reminders, ask questions etc. The Fiberholic group in particular has been successful as a tool for the fiberarts program for communicating event reminders, sharing/helping, staying connected