A few openings for Shapeoko Basic Sunday 11 AM

There’s been a few cancellations and there’s a few openings left for anyone interested.


Anything up to and including soft metal. No carbon fiber and no cutting fluids. Can drill holes but we’ve no drill chuck; has to work with an ER11 collet, for which we have all the available sizes.

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@zmetzing, I highly recommend the class. I took Jay’s class quite a while ago, and I have to say it’s a great class. The Shapeoko is a fairly overlooked tool at DMS, it’s quite a bit more capable than most people assume. It’s also easy to get into the classes (much easier and cheaper than the CNC router), and is pretty much always available to use (I’ve never seen a line or had to wait). Jay is a great teacher, not only of the Shapeoko, but of CAD/CAM and CNC principles in general, so you will also gain good knowledge that will transfer over to other tools.