We don’t see it enough. I’d like to thank all of our volunteers. Without you, we would not be here. Its often overlooked & under appreciated the time that you put in. We cant do it alone. We are a reflection of community around us. I can not be successful as a committee chair without those who are around that support us.
Thank you to all of the other countless volunteers, that teach, give tours & the thank less jobs of infrastructure/logistics.
This post would be extremely long if I went & thanked everyone individually. Just because you were not mentioned doesn’t mean I’m any less thankful for what you do. You all know who you are.
I’d like to thank the chairs and vice chairs! You guys are awesome to take on the responsibility! It really is the dirty work that keeps DMS running and running smoothly. Thank you.
And thank you for doing your fair share of keeping the DMS CC warm.
One’s horizons are occasionally broadened when ordering tools, parts, supplies, etc.
Thank you to all these folks! Some names I recognize from their talk posts, but many have helped me with training or projects. The knowledge and assistance these folks have shared with me is greatly appreciated.